LCBC Welcomes AGL Energy

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The Latrobe City Business Chamber is delighted to announce AGL Energy has joined the newly formed business chamber, solidifying a mutual commitment to the business community and the region’s economic growth. 

AGL Energy is one of Australia’s leading energy companies, with a history dating over 180 years. Their extensive experience and commitment to local industry align perfectly with the business chamber’s mission to foster economic development in the region. 

President of the Latrobe City Business Chamber, Peter Ceeney is thrilled to have AGL on board saying the chamber committee has been working hard to amalgamate multiple business chambers into one voice for the Latrobe Valley. “To have an organisation like AGL show their commitment to our goals by becoming involved with the local business community will have an immediate positive impact on what we set out to achieve.” Ceeney said.   

AGL’s operations in the Latrobe Valley are sizeable and historic, as is their dedication to sustainability and working with the local community. Their decision to join the Chamber reinforcing their strong track record of supporting local initiatives and contributing the growth of the region.  

AGL Loy Yang General Manager Christo van Niekerk said the company is proud to promote advocacy for Latrobe Valley businesses. 

“We’re proud to partner with the Chamber to encourage capacity building in the local business community and strengthen the economic prosperity of the Latrobe Valley. 

With the Loy Yang A Power Station scheduled to close in 2035, we’re committed to playing our part to support an orderly energy transition. 

We’re committed to repurposing the Loy Yang site into the Latrobe Valley Integrated Industrial Energy Hub to support regional economic diversification and to create new employment opportunities. 

We are working with government, local key stakeholders, educators, industry, business partners, and the community to transition to a new era of renewable energy generation and bring new industries and opportunities to the Latrobe Valley.” 

“We’re confident that AGL Energy’s partnership will open new doors for local businesses while also promoting innovation and contributing to overall prosperity of the Latrobe City region.” Ceeney said. To find out more about AGL Energy visit the links below: